

Ten film zasługuje na osobny temat... "Things" to osobliwość - horror dla wielbicieli piwa o wielbicielach piwa, w którym mrówo-podobne monstra sieją postrach, a ekran zostaje zarzygany tanim gore, okrutnym aktorstwem (porno gwiazdka Amber Lynn czytająca newsy z kartek to mistrzostwo!), soundtrackiem Casio, papierowymi efektami specjalnymi i dialogami rodem ze sztuki gimnazjalnej. Ten film trzeba zobaczyć, by uwierzyć.

Ta recenzja sumuje wszystko:

I have only this to say: You may not remember what happened in this film, (or you may TRY to forget) but you will never forget the experience of watching it. Trust me on this. It is BEYOND bad. Are you listening? BEYOND bad...

Napisał do mnie na IMDb producent 'kultowego' "Things" (1989) - pragnie, by ten film był znany polskim fanom horroru, by stał się obiektem kultu. Muszę go opisać na stronie i zrobić wywiad z Andrew Jordanem, reżyserem "Things" - takim osobistościom się nie odmawia. Dajcie znać, czy warto?


Here is our newest favorite review...

We love bad reviews Bart...lol

We have another movie coming out which I shot on 16mm film called WiCKED WORLD

It is 90 minutes, and there are 49 killings (2 off screen)

It is wayyyy better than THINGS...

I got a message from Garth who gets messages from our website to Andrew Jordan and I...

I talked to Andrew, and he would like to do an interview for all of you Polish fans of horror movies...

We know THINGS is bad, hhahaa

But, it was our first movie...

Anyway, if you review THINGS, and do the interview with Andrew Jordan, we will be sure to send you copies of the WICKED WORLD DVD when it is all mastered and manufactured... We'll send a couple of copies directly to Poland for you.

We're not sure if you saw a bootleg copy of THINGS our if you saw the DVD release with all of the extras...

Anyway, if you want an interview with Jordan, let me know, and I'll be sure to send you his e-mail address if Garth already did not send you his e-mail...

To keep updated on WICKED WORLD, and so we don't forget to send you a couple of copies on DVD when everything is ready... You should join our facebook group above to keep updated... When you see that WICKED WORLD is manufactured, etc... you can send me a message, and I'll make sure to get it out to you...

This is the only way that I will not forget to send you a couple of copies of WICKED WORLD... (is if you remind me when the time comes) So if you are interested, you should join the facebook group.

I'll send you a copy of my C.D "AMERICAN JUSTICE" when it's done too, if you're interested...

The music is all recorded, we are just working on getting that manufactured as well...

THINGS was shot on Super 8, and Amber Lynns scenes were shot on 16mm, but the original transfer from Film to broadcast video by the company that did it was really bad...

Anyway, we know where we went wrong, and THINGS is bad...lol

WICKED WORLD is beyond THINGS in production values etc...

As far as a release in Poland, we don't know who the distributors are over there, and it can be purchased from our website if people in Poland want to get there hands on it. Copies are sent all over the world...

In any event,


Barry J. Gillis
Edmonton, Canada

We're not sure if you saw a bootleg copy of THINGS our if you saw the DVD release with all of the extras...

To się w ogóle ukazało na dvd i jeszcze z dodatkami? Lol

Wywiad jak najbardziej, ale najpierw spytaj się go czy przyśle kopie Wicked World
Baa! Ja to nawet proponuje żeby najpierw wysłał Embowi 'Wicked World' i to wybajerzone wydanie dvd 'Things' a potem sie pomyśli o wywiadzie, czy pozytywnej (ocena wyżej niż 1 ) recenzji

Koleś jest tak wazeliniarsko sympatyczny, że aż strach pomyśleć kiedy zacznie proponować meble ze swojego mieszkania

Tak się załatwia te sprawy.

Hey Bart...

I can send you a couple of the DVD's... if you want...

Just give me your address where to send them in Poland...
to moze byc poczatek wspanialej przyjazni.
Takiej na całe lata
Szybki clip z niezremasterowanej wersji "Wicked World":

Wygląda bardzo amatorsko, niestety w złym tego słowa znaczeniu. Trza poczekac na efekt końcowy.
Saturday 1 November:
2pm: BUMBA ATOMIKA (Italy)
4pm: THINGS (Viewers sitting through the whole thing gets a free ticket for another HorrorFest show!)
6:15pm: SHADOW REALM Short Film Collection - Part II of 3
8pm: THE LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT (After the show special FX make-up artist Clinton Smith will talk about his work on the re-make recently shot in Cape Town, South Africa)

Just made an agreement to use footage from POLICE STATE a film by NICK NEDD http://nickzedd.com/ (and one of my all time favorite films) to be included in the feature movie we are doing in 2009. POLICE STATE will be playing on a televison set during a few scenes, (if you haven't seen this film by Nick Zedd, get your hands on it through his website) I am very excited to have made this agreement with Nick... Barry J.

We are currently working on the WICKED WORLD DVD, a 90 minute movie I directed on 16mm in Toronto... We'll keep you updated... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgfUhgAzWTo (here's a quick clip of unremastered footage to whet your appetite)

THEY CAME FROM WITHIN: A History of Canadian Horror Cinema "...And whatever the low points of any of the movies chronicled above, none of them approaches the depths of a movie which came along soon after: a movie so heinously awful, so vile and stupid, so inept and punishingly brainless, that it quite easily captures the title of Worst Canadian Horror Film Ever Made: THINGS" (Caelum Vatnsdal)

THEY CAME FROM WITHIN should be in everyone's horror collection. This is an excellent book on the history of Canadian Horror Feature Films, and has a nice long article on THINGS...

THINGS was launched for the first time on DVD (loaded with extras) at the RUE MORGUE FESTIVAL OF FEAR, and is now available online and shipped right to your door from Toronto, Canada. www.THINGS1989.com

The first Shipment of THINGS on DVD has arrived from the United States of America, and there will be more coming tomorrow, and the next day. We will be sending the winners of the contests their DVD's at the end of the month... THINGS can now be pre-ordered from our website. It will also be available at a special price at the RUE MORGUE FESTIVAL OF FEAR HORROR CONVENTION.

A DVD "Things" jak nie ma, tak nie ma.
Inny zwiastun "Wicked World":

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • mkulturalnik.xlx.pl