Nothing can prepare you for the shocking experience of FROZEN FLESH - the most explicitly gory, shocking, bloody, and controversial movie ever made!
Mój post ma charakter ostrzeżenia. Potrafię wytrzymać nawet najgorszy, najbardziej amatorski śmieć, ale przy „Frozen Flesh” odpadłem i musiałem przewijać. Przecież tego – do cholery – nie da się oglądać. Stawiam piwo odważnemu, kto przebrnie przez 112 minut tego pseudo-eksperymentalnego gówna w trakcie jednego posiedzenia. Film składa się z siedmiu statycznych ujęć - najpierw widzimy płomień, potem rondel, potem nieco krwi (tak przypuszczam), następnie odciętą rękę ofiary, wkładaną do rondla, wreszcie pojawia się morderca – kanibal, oddycha i dźga nożem powietrze. Co to kurwa ma być? Ja rozumiem, iż 19-letni Justin French chciał sobie poeksperymentować, ale nie kosztem widza. „Frozen Flesh” to ekwiwalent – dosłownie – wpatrywania się w ścianę i obserwowania, jak schnie farba. Jeden z moich zdecydowanych kandydatów na the absolute worst film ever made !!!! DVD z tym badziewiem chodzi na Amazonie po 20 dolców, a arogancja Justina Frencha na IMDb (uważa się za Boga horroru) nie zna granic. W takim razie po kiego wrzucił cały film na Youtube? Chyba nie sprzedaje się najlepiej hahaha!
Zaprawdę powiadam wam: uciekajcie od „Frozen Flesh” jak najdalej.
EDIT: Hmm, coś mi podpowiada, że "Frozen Flesh" to jeden wielki żart na widowni, bardzo perfidny i zamierzony, a Justin French wydając taki syf na DVD, wrzucając fake reviews na IMDb i w sieci itd. kpi sobie w żywe oczy z krytyków i widowni.
O! Lubię takie wyzwania! Przeżyłem kilka tajskich serów, "Fantom Kilera 2"" i parę innych, przeżyję i "Frozen Flesh"! Bart szykuj piwo!
Piwa nie mam, bo ostatnio biedny jestem, ale proszę:
"Fantom Kilera 2"
a FK3 i Fantom Seducer 1 i 2 przeżyłeś?
swoją drogą, Bart, a widziałeś "Jesus Christ Serial Rapist"? bo dla mnie to jest absolutne zero. ciekawym jak na tym tle wypada "Frozen Flesh"...
swoją drogą, Bart, a widziałeś "Jesus Christ Serial Rapist"?
Nie, jakoś do tej pory nie miałem styczności z filmami Billa Zebuba - z własnej nieprzymuszonej woli. A "Frozen Flesh" to zaiste ciekawa forma tortury widza.
Justin French to Bela Tarr horroru.
Justin French to Bela Tarr horroru.
No ba! Niedlugo recenzja w New York Timesie i wówczas przestaniemy się śmiać!
"Is this a real movie or some kind of joke?
Despite the extremely negative feedback that "Frozen Flesh" has gotten so far (due to some creative decisions by creator Justin French), it IS a real movie."
Jednak nie dałem sie nabrać. "Frozen Flesh" to żart. Oddaje głos Justinowi Frenchowi (poprawka, osobie, ktora za niego się podaje):
"Frozen Flesh" is a prank.
(FYI - so is "Evil Spirits")
A joke designed to bring out the best (and the worst) in vicious audiences who will spit and hurl personal insults at artists who want nothing more than to have themselves heard creatively.
Pretentious jerks who will do anything and everything to make themselves feel superior.
So, I made "Frozen Flesh" as an act of vigilance for all filmmakers out there who dedicate their heart & soul to their films, only to have them torn apart. It's one thing to attack a film. It's another to attack a fellow human being just because he expressed his creativity.
Much has been made about the 7 static images stretched out into two hours, including over 70 minutes of so-called "air stabbing" and watching water go from still to boiling - in its entirety.
It took me about an hour one Saturday morning to come up with the entire film, from start to finish. I had about 10 minutes of footage that I slowed down and looped. And the "worst soundtrack ever" was purposely made that way. The red tint was meant to just add to the irritating, incompetent nature of the entire film.
And the clueless director who thinks his film is the best ever was nothing more than icing on the cake.
For those of you who think that I'm just trying to recover from my destroyed reputation, think about it.
Would anyone actually think this is the greatest film ever (as I clearly stated in my self-published review of the film)?
Would a director be clueless enough to actually post his own review on the DVD cover?
Did you notice how no one (not in "Frozen Flesh" or "Evil Spirits") ever shows his/her face?
So, while many of you thought that my true colors were being revealed by my being exposed as a talentless hack who will never make it in Hollywood, it is in fact you that is exposed!
I enjoyed laughing at all of the posts. You laughed at my expense, not realizing that the entire time I was laughing at your expense and making fun of all of you.
A few got the joke right away and I had to say you were wrong, that it wasn't a joke, just to keep the illusion going as long as possible.
And a lot of you just thought it was simply a terrible film (which it definitely is!) and shrugged it off as that. All of you should have said it was a terrible movie because there's nothing redeeming about it whatsoever.
Many of you really stood up for me and while you probably feel deceived (as you should), just know that there are young filmmakers out there who need encouragement and would really cherish the kind of support you gave me. I apologize for the deception.
I have a message to those who took it so seriously and were so offended by the film and by me that they felt the need to bring themselves up by not only attacking me, but also by talking about how a real movie is made.
Please. Give me a break.
The joke's on you.
I actually am on IMDB but I'm not going to spoil the fun by revealing who I am. I'm nobody famous or even someone you probably have ever heard of. But I'm someone who actually has made films that not only have people paid to see in a theater, but whose films are actually on DVD.
And my name isn't really Justin French by the way.
Ale szkoda jednak, że nie potrzymal wszystkich dlużej w niepewności